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Swheat Scoop Partners With Shelters

Pet Age Staff//June 17, 2013//

Swheat Scoop Partners With Shelters

Pet Age Staff //June 17, 2013//

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Swheat Scoop’s new shelter support program, Litter for Litters, is designed to donate one-pound of their natural, wheat-based cat litter for each new Swheat Scoop Facebook fan they receive.

Pet Project Rescue is the first Litter for Litters partner, and Swheat Scoop said they are looking forward to supporting the Minneapolis non-profit’s efforts in reducing animal-homelessness. The program will be ongoing, and their next shelter partner and benefactor will be announced at the close of the first phase with Pet Project Rescue on Sept. 17.

“The more we are able to facilitate the basic needs of shelters, like Pet Project Rescue, the more they can focus on what they do best – fostering abandoned animals and helping them find their forever homes,” Mark Hughes, national sales and marketing manager of Pet Care Systems, said. “We look forward to the Litter for Litters program having a long life with far reaching benefits for animal organizations.”

The Litter for Litters program launches, June 17.

For details on Swheat Scoop, their family of natural, eco-friendly cat litters and their efforts to help cats, visit