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The Healing Power of Vetericyn

Colleen Murphy//April 6, 2017//

The Healing Power of Vetericyn

Colleen Murphy //April 6, 2017//

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Vetericyn, a manufacturer of high quality, innovative and reliable animal healthcare products, understands that cats can sometimes require a little first aid and preventative care.

“Their humor requires no explanation. Cats are super independent and have quirky and unique personalities,” the Vetericyn website states. “They love attention and make a major point to get yours… when they want it. Cats are stubborn and intelligent beyond belief. When they want something they will do whatever it takes to get it, even if it means potentially hurting themselves.”

That’s where Vetericyn comes in.

The company, which also provides dog, horse, exotic animal and livestock healthcare products, has a complete line of topical solutions for cats that aid in caring for felines’ wounds and irritations.

According to its website, Vetericyn Plus feline products are recommended for use on a range of problems cats may face, including cleaning and debriding wounds; soothing hot spots, scratches and skin rashes; and maintaining healthy eyes and ears.

According to Geoff Hamby, Vetericyn’s director of marketing, the company’s products will help owners in ensuring their cats live a healthy, happy life, and they are something retailers can keep in stock to allow owners to achieve that.

Q: What do you think it is about cats that make people love them so much?
A: On a scientific level, cats provide a lot of healing properties for us. There have been studies that prove cats can help lower blood pressure and relieve stress. While that’s interesting, I think that’s only part of why we as humans are drawn to cats. I think there’s a level of respect between us and our feline friends. Cats are solitary creatures, so when they choose to show us affection we know it’s been earned, and that’s a great feeling. And of course there’s the quirky personalities.

Q: It is important to have cats maintain an overall healthy lifestyle. How do Vetericyn’s Feline Products play a part in accomplishing this?
A: Vetericyn Animal Wellness products are designed for two things: immediate care and treatment of skin, eye and ear issues and ongoing preventive maintenance. Our liquid and hydrogel products are a great way to clean wounds and keep them moist, one of the best things you can do to help a wound or irritation heal faster. They also soothe irritated, itchy skin. As part of a daily or routine maintenance plan, our products can help prevent new issues. This can greatly impact the overall wellness of your cat and save you trips to the vet.1013_3oz_Feline_WoundandSkin F

Q: What is your top-selling cat product? Why do you think that is?
A: That would be our wound and skin care liquid. It’s one of our very first products and what many cat owners have come to know and trust. One customer used a flea and tick product that caused chemical burns on her cat. After just three weeks using Vetericyn Wound & Skin Care liquid two times per day, the burns were completely healed. It’s quite amazing to see that happen, and we hear stories like that from customers all the time. Plus, everyone loves the cute cat on the label.

Q: A store owner is considering stocking Vetericyn’s Feline Products. What do you say to convince the retailer to carry your product in his or her store?

A: Our products are safe, non-toxic, antibiotic and steroid-free and don’t sting or sensitize. Factors like these play a huge part in buying decisions of today’s pet consumer. Most pet owners treat their pets like family members and they pay attention to ingredients or toxicity in the products they feed to or use on their pets. With Vetericyn, pet owners get a product that exceeds FDA regulations, produced in a facility safe enough to produce human wound care products—something many other products do not do. Vetericyn created the wound and skin care market. We are innovators and continue to enhance and grow the product line. We back all our products with national marketing and advertising campaigns and a money-back guarantee. And it just works. Once someone tries the product, they will use it for life.

Q: What is a health problem facing cats to which you think retailers/owners should pay more attention? How can your products help with that?
A: Cats can suffer from stress-related skin issues. Anxiety can cause them to pull out fur or groom excessively. This can lead to skin irritations, sores and hot spots. The cat may then itch and scratch the affected areas in an attempt at relief, but this usually just makes the issue worse. Our liquid and hydrogel products soothe those areas providing comfort to the animal and helping avoid future occurrences. Our Wound & Skin care liquid and Antimicrobial Hydrogel also clean skin irritations, sores, and wounds, to help set the stage for optimal healing.
Some products contain tea tree oil which can be toxic to cats. Since we offer reliable, safe and effective products, we never use tea tree oil as an ingredient.
Many issues can be avoided through daily maintenance. It is important to check your cat’s ears and eyes daily or at least a few times a week. Keeping the eyes clean and free of debris improves the overall health of the cat and will protect the cat from more severe issues. Vetericyn Animal Wellness products are safe enough for daily use.

Q: Looking to the future, what is your company most excited for?
A: We’re excited to continue educating and informing pet owners on the best ways to care for wound, skin, eye and ear issues. We’ve just begun regular blog posts and will be sharing more content through our social and email channels.