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Drive Positive Outcomes, Grow Customer Loyalty by Prioritizing Quality Pet Products

Bill Bookout, NASC//June 1, 2023

Drive Positive Outcomes, Grow Customer Loyalty by Prioritizing Quality Pet Products

Bill Bookout, NASC//June 1, 2023

Every pet retailer knows that price is a top consideration as customers make purchasing decisions. But don’t forget that customers also care about quality and may be willing to pay more if they know a product is independently audited to quality standards, certified for good manufacturing practices, and in the case of pet supplements, tested to ensure it meets label claims for ingredients the animal will respond to.

Take a moment to consider the outcome you want when a customer purchases from your store:

  • The pet responds positively to the product based on the reason it was purchased
  • The customer returns to repurchase the product, creating repeat business
  • You interact positively with the customer, building trust and improving the odds they will come back when in need of additional pet products
  • The customer spreads the word through an online review, a social media post, or simple word of mouth to friends and family, resulting in new customer traffic to your store

You help bridge the trust gap with customers by recognizing the value of third-party certifications and prioritizing shelf space for brands that have gone the extra mile to obtain a recognized, independent quality certification seal or mark.


Why do third-party certifications matter?

Third-party certification is a quality control process provided by an independent organization that does not have a financial interest in the manufacturer. The organization reviews a company’s manufacturing process and/or products against its established evaluation standards to ensure compliance with those standards. Once certified, the company may display the certifier’s seal or mark on its packaging and promote it in marketing materials.

Manufacturers that spend the time and money to be certified by an independent, third-party entity not only increase consumer confidence but also lend credibility to label claims and drive sales through trust born out of transparency. Since the goal is to have the pet respond favorably to a product, consistency in production processes is vital to achieving consistency in product quality and consistent outcomes. Inconsistency in product quality may mean the pet does not respond favorably and the customer is lost forever.


The NASC Quality Seal

Using the National Animal Supplement Council as an example of how a third-party certification should work, members cannot simply join the NASC and automatically use the Quality Seal. To display the NASC Quality Seal, a member must pass a rigorous, third-party audit and maintain ongoing compliance with the NASC’s written requirements. These include stringent labeling and marketing compliance, documented quality control for production processes that meet Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs), real-time product monitoring and adverse event reporting, random product testing to ensure label claims are being met, and audit recertification every two years.

Quality is a competitive advantage. By stocking third-party certified products and educating your customers about them, you help to create positive outcomes for pets, and loyal customers who trust you and come back to your store over and over again.



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