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Pinterest to Send Alert When Retail Item Is Available

Michelle Maskaly//August 2, 2013//

Pinterest to Send Alert When Retail Item Is Available

Michelle Maskaly //August 2, 2013//

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If there were ever another reason you, the pet retailer, should be using Pinterest, this is it.

The social network recently announced that they will send Pinterest users notifications when products they have pinned go on sale, according to the website Mashable.

The move can create all types of benefits for pet retail owners.

Think of this scenario, you are at a trade show, you see a product you like and decide to order it for your store. You pin the product with the proper description. Many of your customers, who are already following you, will see it. They decide they like it and pin it to their board.

The problem is, that although they like it, and want to purchase it, they might forget about it by the time you get it in your store. This service will alert the customer when the product goes on sale in your store.

Retailers, although the company didn’t say how many, are already signing up for the program.

The best part, Pinterest says they are not taking a cut of the sale.