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Kitten Bowl II

Rebekah Harrison//January 26, 2015//

Kitten Bowl II

Rebekah Harrison //January 26, 2015//

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Pet Age is really getting into the team spirit with Kitten Bowl II!

North Shore Animal League America and Last Hope Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation has provided more than 90 adoptable CAT-letes that are participating in the bowl. All kittens that are part of the Feline Football League will be adopted out immediately following the games. Most have already found their forever homes!

Much like Puppy Bowl, we will be live tweeting the big game on February 1. This year, the entire Pet Age staff has picked a favorite kitten and will be watching and rooting for them as they bounce around the field. The game starts at 12 p.m.

Watch with us  as we live tweet and root for our favorite kittens.

Becky Graziano: Aaron Pawdgers. “He looks like my Bleuman so I have to go with him.”

Lori Fouts: Ben Catspunburger

Jessica Perry: Bing Clawsby. “With a name like that you know he’s got the footwork to win. I mean,  look at the way just that one back leg is up—he’s got the moves.”

Tom Mazorlig: Brian Urlitter. “He looks focused on the game.”

Ariyana Edmond: Clawvin Johnson. “Looks like he’s got a pretty good paw!”

Brianne Molnar: Mr. Meowgi

Nicole Composto: Nom Nom Nom Suh

Melissa Sullenberger: Richard Purrman. “I think he’s faced a lot of adversity on his trip to the 2015 Kitten Bowl. He’s got a lot to prove. A lot of folks think he’s just a hot shot, big talking, orange tabby cat, but I think deep down inside he’s a soft little feline. He has big shoes to fill, as one of his old team mates, Meowshawn Lynch, dominated in the 2014 Kitten Bowl. I think Richard Purrman is really going to bring the heat this year.”

Rebekah Harrison: Terrell Snuggs. “He’s totally got his game face on.”

AnnMarie Karczmit: Wes Whisker

Our staff is pretty evenly split between three of the teams, with one underdog on the Mountain Lions. Best of luck to all the kittens and be sure to check in with Happy, the ambassador of Kitten Bowl II and our Facebook and Twitter feeds for even more updates. Follow along using #kittenbowl this year!