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5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Global Pet Expo

John Cullen//January 31, 2013//

5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Global Pet Expo

John Cullen //January 31, 2013//

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Yes it’s that time of year again. We are all getting ready for Global Pet Expo. This year it’s Feb. 20-22 in Orlando which is great because I am going to Disney World right after.


Anyway, a lot of companies spend A LOT of money on going to and exhibiting at Global. So to help you be the most successful I put together the following 5 Ways to Get the Most out of Global Pet Expo. Here we go…

1. Have a Rep Network Built BEFORE the Show. This is overlooked by many smaller companies that are just starting out. They buy booth space, spend a lot of money on pop up stands, go to the show and sit in their booth and hope a big customer comes by and falls in love with their product. This is NOT a good strategy. What I tell my clients is to build a rep network way before the show – at least a month or two. This way the reps can bring their best customers to your booth to discuss your product. This is a much more effective strategy than hope. Hope is NOT a strategy.

2. Be in the New Product Showcase. If you have a product that was introduced AFTER Global last year you qualify. This space I think is a few hundred dollars but serves a very important role for you. It is like an ad in the new product showcase. Every buyer worth his/her weight goes through the new product showcase fairly carefully. Spend some money on a nice tabletop display so you stand out a bit. If your product requires demonstration, but in a digital picture frame that supports video or a portable DVD player on a loop. A lot of companies simply through their product on the table and walk away. Don’t be one of them! This is a very important area of the show. If you can catch the attention of a few buyers they will write down your booth number and stop by.

3. Advertise in the Show Dailies or other materials offered at the show. You are spending so much money to be at the show, why not invest a little in advertising? You should be consistently advertising in publications like Pet Age every month to generate trade awareness of your product.  I am also a big fan of the Pet Business Show Dailies. This magazine is distributed on each day of the show with new editorial. It is read by just about everyone who attends the show – it is great bowl reading if you catch my drift. You don’t need to do a full page if you don’t have the budget, but do something in this publication and be sure to include your booth # in your ad. Oh and get your ad designed by a professional to make it really POP and get you the attention you deserve.

4. Put a Press Release in the Press Room. This is FREE!  Write a press release about your new product or whatever you are introducing at the show and put 50+ copies of the release in the press room.  The press room is located right outside the main entrance to the show floor near the down escalator.  Just do it!  Better yet, get involved with a press tour at the show.  For about $2k you can have press visiting your booth and covering your new products.  One way to do this is by contacting a public relations agency, such as  K. Sutherland PR.

5. Never Leave Your Booth Unattended. Bring two people if at all possible. You never, ever, ever want to have your booth unattended. The time you slip away for a bathroom break is usually when Wal-Mart decides to drop by so don’t do it! This is another reason why having good reps helps. They will usually pitch in for a little bathroom break duty.

Have a great show!  I’m looking forward to seeing you there!  And if you want a FREE Marketing & Sales consult at the show, contact me at [email protected].