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Put Your Best Paw Forward

Pet Age Staff//November 2, 2015//

Put Your Best Paw Forward

Pet Age Staff //November 2, 2015//

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It may still seem distant, but 2016 is only two short months ahead. Devoting some time now to strategize before the stresses of holiday retail set in can be a huge help a little down the road.

Think of the New Year as the perfect opportunity to make adjustments. Whether the changes you decide to enact are big or small, you’re likely to keep regular customers interested while grabbing the attention of new ones in the process.

Take a look at the trends that will be big in the near future before you try out new tactics. Pets are living longer than ever as a result of better nutrition and healthcare. Take this into consideration and place orders for some of the many new products that cater specifically to seniors and their unique needs.

Additionally, choosy shoppers increasingly like to know that their purchases are green choices. If you carve out a special section for inventory that is made from organic, sustainable, or all-natural materials, they will have no problem picking out treats, toys and accessories that are good for their pets and the planet.

More pet owners are traveling with their furry companions, so provide plenty of items to make the process simpler and more enjoyable. Calming dietary supplements, warm jackets and sweaters, car safety add-ons and portable playthings can be placed together to streamline shopping trips for those customers on-the-go.

Simply shifting the placement of your stock is one of the easiest ways to alter your store’s look and feel. A quick rotation can swing sales, but calculated moves based on studies of foot traffic and quantities can have an even greater effect. If you’re feeling inspired, you might go so far as to change your entire store’s layout. For more tips about how merchandising can help you make money, turn to “Maximize Profits with Retail Displays.”

Let the New Year bring on a new you. But first, be sure to step back and build a plan that helps you and your customers get exactly what you want in 2016. Then watch your profits pick up.
You can thank me later!