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Pet Industry Leadership Summit Going Virtual for 2021

Glenn Polyn//December 8, 2020//

Pet Industry Leadership Summit Going Virtual for 2021

Glenn Polyn //December 8, 2020//

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Press release: Pet Industry Distributors Association

Organizers of The Pet Industry Leadership Summit have announced that the 2021 event will be held virtually and—new this year—is open to the entire professional pet care community.

Taking place January 25-26, The Digital Summit 2021 will bring together pet care community leaders to hear from and engage with thought leaders about the latest trends, critical business insights, the evolving state of the economy, current challenges and the future of the industry. The event is co-hosted by the American Pet Products Association (APPA), the Pet Industry Distributors Association (PIDA), the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC), and World Pet Association (WPA).

In a joint statement, the presidents of APPA, PIDA, PIJAC and WPA said, “With health and safety top of mind for all attendees, speakers, and staff, we have decided to make the Pet Industry Leadership Summit a virtual event for 2021. We understand the importance of coming together to discuss the economic conditions affecting our industry, and our priority is to deliver a safe and successful meeting that will help the pet industry look forward and prepare for the future.”

The Digital Summit 2021 has been thoughtfully designed to ensure that all attendees get the information and industry insights that they’ve come to expect at this annual event. Over two days, attendees will have access to critical data and keynote speakers that will help with their planning and decision-making for 2021 and beyond. The Digital Summit 2021 keynote sessions include:


• JANUARY 25: Moving Forward and Out of 2020
Brian BeaulieuBrian Beaulieu, CEO and Chief Economist of ITR Economics

Brian Beaulieu returns to The Summit (virtual) stage to bring his keen insight and predictions for 2021 and beyond. The pet industry comes with a reasonable degree of protection from normal economics, but the pandemic and government responses overrode normal consumer trends. In this session, Beaulieu will explore changes that have occurred in the economy and what they mean for the markets. He will look at the trends and the economic health of the consumer to help inform strategies for moving forward. In these times of uncertainty, Beaulieu has the unique gift of combining his keen sense of humor with highly accurate insights into key economic indicators to help business prepare for the future.



• JANUARY 26: Practical Decision Making for the New Normal
Patrick McGinnis, Venture Capitalist, Coiner of the Terms FOMO & FOBO

Patrick McGinnis coined the now ubiquitous term “FOMO” (fear of missing out) in a 2004 article in the student newspaper of Harvard Business School after his experience of witnessing the 9/11 attacks first-hand. This experience left him feeling suddenly awake to everything he had taken for granted about the abundance of experiences offered to us in “normal” life. Nearly 20 years later, everyone is once again adjusting to a new normal—a “new” normal—and entering the next phase of life, both professional and personal. In his talk, McGinnis will share his thoughts on the origins of the term FOMO and its parallels to the current experience of COVID-19, when we are all experiencing a sense of loss, fear, and anxiety—whether for ourselves or for our loved ones—about living in a world where our usual routines and external stimuli have been suddenly taken away from us and replaced with a new danger.

Registration is now open. For additional information, including industry sessions and speaker bios, visit The Summit.