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Jonathan Van Ness, Purina Share Pet Tips for the Holiday Season

Glenn Polyn//December 2, 2020//

Purina is teaming up with pet parent and self-care guru – Jonathan Van Ness – to share how pet owners can create meaningful moments for their pets this holiday season.

Jonathan Van Ness, Purina Share Pet Tips for the Holiday Season

Glenn Polyn //December 2, 2020//

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Press release: Nestlé Purina

This holiday season, Purina has teamed up with pet parent and self-care guru – Jonathan Van Ness – to share how pet owners can create meaningful moments for their pets, whether it’s giving them unique gifts and treats or spending quality time together.

With Americans spending more time than ever at home this year, pets have filled in for far-away friends and family, rounded out weekend plans, become co-workers, and served as personal trainers and therapists. Many pet owners are looking for unique ways to give back to their pets this year for serving such important roles.

“I love my adopted pet family, so I’m thrilled to partner with Purina to talk about how pet owners can create meaningful moments for their pets this holiday season,” said Van Ness. “My pets have given me so much joy, especially this year, so I’m excited to share tips and treat suggestions with other pet owners that will show our pets love, comfort and gratitude.”

Dr. Annie Valuska, Ph.D., senior pet behavior expert at Purina, explained: “The holidays are a great time to give back to pets for their invaluable devotion and affection, but they also present a complex cycle for pets. There is a lot going on and it can cause overstimulation and stress, so pets need down time, yet when there is a lot of down time and lounging, pets need activity. Pet owners can recognize where their pet is on the holiday cycle and engage them with fun and helpful activities.”

Van Ness and Valuska developed the following tips to help pet owners create a fitting holiday moment for their pets:

Dog Owner Tips: 

Does your dog need some down time to de-stress? 
Chewing can help relieve mild anxiety or frustration for dogs. Try giving your dog a long-lasting, Purina Busy Bone and reading to them! Did you know that there are benefits to dogs when you or other family members read to them? One book to consider is Peanut Goes for the Gold, which is Jonathan’s first children’s book inspired by his own childhood guinea pig!

Does your dog need some physical activity?
For the ultimate mental and physical stimulation, try agility training. Set up an obstacle course in your backyard or living room with objects from around the house, like boxes for him to jump over and cones to weave between. You can also try hula hoop leaping! Break up a Beggin Strip into small pieces to reward your dog while you teach him the activity and then once your dog gets the concept, reward him with a “jackpot” treat of a full Beggin Strip.

Cat Owner Tips: 

Could your cat use some mental stimulation or physical activity?
Friskies Party Mix helps you engage the natural curiosity of active cats by letting them hunt for their treats. Create DIY puzzle feeder toys for your cats with Friskies Party Mix and small holiday décor items you have around the house. Wrap all your presents already? The empty wrapping paper tubes can become a great game for your cat. Make a bunch of eggnog? Use the empty carton to make an enriching activity for your cat.

Could your cat use some one-on-one time with you to get all dolled up?
Fancy Feast Savory Cravings will help you enhance special moments shared with your cat. So treat your kitty with breakable pieces of Fancy Feast Savory Cravings while you get her holiday-ready with festive pet accessories!