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Putting It All Together

Tom Mazorlig//February 1, 2016//

Putting It All Together

Tom Mazorlig //February 1, 2016//

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Pet Age spoke with Mike Lou, founder and owner of Patchwork Pet, about the history of Patchwork, the company’s work with Richardson Rescue and some of their new toys.

Tom Mazorlig: Can you tell me about the history of Patchwork Pet?

Mike Lou: Patchwork Pet is a young company, founded in 2009. While most would consider Patchwork latecomers to a rapidly maturing industry, the company is founded upon a wealth of manufacturing and design experience that spans multi-generations. My family members have been vital parts of the growing pet industry for the past 20 years. Patchwork is a modern take on the plush toy designs that puts what pets want first!

Tom: What is the philosophy behind the toys?

Mike: The philosophy behind our toys is simple. Just as the name suggests, Patchwork is all about putting together the most unique elements, trends and functions to create innovative products that are full of value.

Tom: Which Patchwork toy is the most iconic or interesting?

Mike: The most iconic product from Patchwork Pet would have to be our 35-inch Caterpillar. Not only is it one of the largest and longest plush dog toys available—it sports nine squeakers, a grunter (the duck call) and a rattle. It is double-stitched in pastel colors.

Tom: Patchwork Pet has been involved with helping Richardson Rescue. Can you tell me how the company first got involved with them?

Mike: When Patchwork Pet was notified by Petsense Corp. about the devastating fire at Richardson Rescue in York, S.C., we immediately put together an assortment of toys and snuggly soft fleece blankets. Our donation went directly to the Petsense store in West Lancaster, S.C., that coordinated donations from within the pet industry to help Richardson Rescue recover and rebuild. A heartfelt thank you letter, along with pictures from Janet Richardson, President of Richardson Rescue, said, “Your donation will help us keep our orphans happy while they wait for their ‘furever’ homes.”
Patchwork Pet supports many adoption events throughout the year by donating dog toys and cat food, so when the pets go to new a home they have something of their very own.

Tom: What new toys are coming from Patchwork?

Mike: 2016 is a big year for Patchwork, as it is a huge transition year for us. During the upcoming Global show, we will be presenting a dozen new dog toys and a brand new line of cat toys, which is a new category for the company. We are excited to show everyone our deep passion for dog toys translated to the world of cat.

Tom: What’s a typical day like for you?

Mike: A typical day for me is that there is no routine. As the owner of a young company, I’m constantly getting involved in all areas of the business, from international meetings with clients to volunteering at the local pet shelters. Every day is another day that’s working towards strengthening the bonds with our pets.