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Wild Earth Showcases Premium, Plant-Based Dog Food, Treats at SuperZoo

Glenn Polyn//August 23, 2022//

Wild Earth Showcases Premium, Plant-Based Dog Food, Treats at SuperZoo

Glenn Polyn //August 23, 2022//

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Press release: Wild Earth

Wild Earth, the cruelty-free dog food company, will return to SuperZoo 2022 to showcase its award-winning line of nutritionally complete and sustainably sourced products for the evolved dog. While there, co-founder and CEO, Ryan Bethencourt, will unveil a new look for products set to hit shelves in 2023, and give an exclusive sneak peek at other exciting developments slated for the coming year.

“2022 has been momentous for changing the conversation around plant-based dog food,” said Bethencourt. “More and more studies are emerging that support our conviction that dogs fed a plant-based, nutritionally complete food like Wild Earth are healthier and live longer. At SuperZoo, we’re excited to share our vision for transforming the pet food industry and talk about what we have in store for the year ahead.”

Developed by a team of vets and animal food scientists, Wild Earth’s premium line of high-quality, nutritionally complete, 100 percent vegan products contain zero junk or fillers and includes Complete Protein Dog Food and Superfood Dog Treats. The effects of this high-quality diet are clear to pet parents as 86 percent reported health improvements, 44 percent saw an improvement in their dog’s energy levels, 50 percent saw an improvement in their dog’s skin and coat and 43 percent saw a reduction in itching and scratching after switching to Wild Earth. Recent studies support the claims of these pet parents showing that dogs thrive on a vegan diet by living up to 1.5 years longer and exhibiting fewer signs of poor health compared to dogs on a meat-based kibble diet.

At SuperZoo 2022, attendees can get a sneak peek of the company’s Core Collection set to hit shelves in 2023. The new plant-based product line will feature limited ingredients with new flavors such as Rotisserie and Classic Roast flavors all at a lower price point for pet parents.