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Wellnostics Unveils Device to Make Caring for Diabetic Pets Easier

Pet Age Staff//February 22, 2018//

Wellnostics Unveils Device to Make Caring for Diabetic Pets Easier

Pet Age Staff //February 22, 2018//

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With its patented Butterfly Touch Technology, the Genteel Lancing Device draws blood from anywhere on the body without pain, according to its creator, Wellnostics. Using vacuum, vibration and depth control, the perfect drop of blood can be drawn from any site. The device claims to be pain free because it only reaches blood capillaries and avoids hitting the pain nerves all together.

Pet owners can find it difficult to monitor their pet’s blood sugar levels from home. This means that most pet owners have all diabetes monitoring done at the vet, which can run up the already expensive costs of owning a diabetic pet. Genteel can make testing at home easier because the patented vacuum helps by drawing the blood to the surface. It can also prevent wasted test-strips because it can get the perfect amount of blood the first time. Testing at home can help the pet owner and the vet determine the best way to regulate the pet’s diabetes without having to make multiple trips to the vet.

Knowing if a pet is experiencing a ‘high’ or ‘low’ without an emergency trip to the vet can not only save money, but can also mean it is more comfortable managing their diabetes at home. By testing more frequently pet owners have a better snapshot of what is causing changes in blood sugar and can help the vet and the owner come up with the best treatment plan for the pet.

“We are delighted to be providing this revolutionary technology to people and pets with diabetes as we know this is just another technological advancement that is helping to provide life without limits for diabetics,” Wellnostics CEO Hugh Sheridan said. “We are constantly searching for solutions that we believe make people and Pets ‘Healthsmart’ and this device is absolute testament to this belief because it will lead to more Diabetics having better lives.”