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Ukraine-Based Pet Supplier COLLAR Company Seeks Assistance During War

Glenn Polyn//April 11, 2022//

Ukraine-Based Pet Supplier COLLAR Company Seeks Assistance During War

Glenn Polyn //April 11, 2022//

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Press release: COLLAR Company

Ukraine-based pet products supplier COLLAR Company has launched an appeal to help its workers, their families and other citizens of Ukraine following the invasion by Russian armed forces. According to Lesya Nevolko, press manager for Chernihiv-based COLLAR Company, the city has become one of the hardest-hit during the country’s war with Russia. Civilians living in Chernihiv are without electricity, water or heat. The city’s communication infrastructure, including both mobile and internet connections, have also been affected.

Shelling has damaged many buildings, including the COLLAR Company office and manufacturing facility. The company’s offices were shelled, breaking all the windows and damaging the production facilities. The company is now working to evacuate its employees and their families to a safer location. Igor Andriichenko, head of COLLAR Company’s PR department, has joined Ukrainian military to protect his land and independence from Russian forces.

“COLLAR Company is responsible for a team of 596 employees and their family members, numbering 1,500 of them,” said Nevolko via email. “Now we are trying hard to restore our work in Ivano-Frankivsk, which is located 600 km from Chernihiv. We have rented a hostel, storage and office facilities.”

In addition, COLLAR Company has joined the Ukrainian Pet Alliance and has created a project called Paw Patrol, which helps companion animals that have been affected by the war in Ukraine.

“At the beginning of the war our partner from Japan, Peace Winds Japan, contacted us,” noted Nevolko. “They offered financial support and, with their assistance, we are going to buy a bus. Having it will give us an opportunity to evacuate animals that were left by owners in Chernihiv, an area with intense fighting. Also, we will help residents who couldn’t escape the city. We are going to deliver pet food to Chernihiv and give it to everyone who needs it. Since the war began, our native city has been shelled and attacked by airstrikes without a break. This led to problems in the supply of pet food.”

More information on how to help the company and make a donation can be found here.