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Pet Advocacy Network Plans 6th Annual Pet Care Community D.C. Fly-In

Pet Age Staff//July 24, 2023//

Pet Advocacy Network Plans 6th Annual Pet Care Community D.C. Fly-In

Pet Age Staff //July 24, 2023//

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Press release: Pet Advocacy Network 

The Pet Advocacy Network invites the responsible pet care community to help shape the future of pet legislation by attending the Sixth Annual Pet Care Community D.C. Fly-In on Wednesday, September 20. Last year, over 80 pet care professionals held nearly 100 meetings with members of Congress and their staff.

“By participating in the fly-in, you’ll have the unique opportunity to speak up for pet-friendly legislation and share your own stories that truly resonate with lawmakers,” said Mike Bober, president and CEO of Pet Advocacy Network. “Your voice matters as we meet with government representatives, influencing the decisions that will shape the future of pet ownership and promote responsible pet care practices.”

The fly-in is open to anyone passionate about pets and the pet care sector. Attendees will have scheduled meetings with members of Congress and their staff, engaging in vital discussions about pet-related legislation. The Network handles all logistics and planning for the meetings, equipping participants with talking points and the latest research on pet-related topics. A lunch event in collaboration with the Pet Food Institute will feature a special guest speaker.

Topics for discussion with lawmakers will be determined closer to the event, so they are timely and relevant. Past fly-ins topics have included the National Service Animals Memorial Act and the PAWS for Veterans Therapy Act, both of which subsequently became law. For the first time this year, there will also be a virtual training session a week before the event to prepare participants.

Attendees are also invited to stay that evening for Pet Night on Capitol Hill, a reception hosted by the Human Animal Bond Research Institute, Pet Advocacy Network and Pet Food Institute. It brings Congressional lawmakers and staff together with the pet care community to celebrate the power of pets with awards, refreshments and special celebrity pet guests.