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Illinois Consumers Who Purchased Hill’s Prescription Diet May be Affected by Class Action Lawsuit

By Pet Age Staff//February 21, 2024//

Illinois Consumers Who Purchased Hill’s Prescription Diet May be Affected by Class Action Lawsuit

By: Pet Age Staff//February 21, 2024//

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The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois recently announced that a class action lawsuit that was filed against Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc., a subsidiary of Colgate-Palmolive Co., may affect Illinois residents who purchased Hill’s Prescription Diet pet food from any retailer (including any veterinary clinic) since March 2, 2014.

Hill’s Pet Nutrition has strongly disputed the allegations filed in the class action lawsuit and contends that its practice of selling Prescription Diet pet food only to consumers whose veterinarians have prescribed it is in the best interest of pets and is no way deceptive, unfair, unethical or unscrupulous.

Hill’s further contends that it has not done anything to cause consumers to overpay for Prescription Diet products.

According to U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois press release, any consumer who fits the following description is a Class Member: All Illinois residents who purchased Hill’s Prescription Diet pet food from any retailer (including any veterinary clinic) in Illinois since March 2, 2014. Excluded from the definition are: (a) Defendants, their legal representatives, officers, directors, assigns and successors; (b) Judges to whom this case is assigned and their staffs; (c) the attorneys and expert witnesses involved in this matter; and (d) all persons or entities that purchased Prescription Diet Food for resale. If you are a member of the class, you are one of the participants on whose behalf the lawsuit was brought, and this Notice applies to you.

These rights and options — and the deadlines to exercise them — are explained in the notice. More information can also be found on the Class Member Frequently Asked Questions page.

The court has appointed Michael L. McGlamry of the law firm Pope McGlamry, P.C., Ellen M. Carey of the law firm Forde & O’Meara, LLP, and Edward J. (“Trip”) Coyne III of the law firm Ward and Smith, P.A. as Class Counsel.