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Pet Talk’s Harrison Forbes Selects Meowijuana for 2017 Bus Tour Showcase

Pet Age Staff//April 28, 2017//

Pet Talk’s Harrison Forbes Selects Meowijuana for 2017 Bus Tour Showcase

Pet Age Staff //April 28, 2017//

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Meowijuana and Pet Talk Productions, with Harrison Forbes, announced yesterday that the emerging catnip company was selected as one of several brands that will be showcased during this year’s summer bus tour. The nationwide tour will make approximately 25 stops at a variety of large pet-centric events and venues across the U.S., such as Woofstock and America’s Family Pet Expo, along with larger events for general consumers, including music festivals and the Indy 500. Harrison Forbes will emcee each of the events and will highlight product reviews of Meowijuana as one of the premium pet products of the tour, while also hosting other consumer contests, book signings and celebrity interviews.

“I am excited to have Meowijuana as a part of my 2017 tour; it’s a great quality product and cats everywhere are going to be hooked,” Forbes said.

Meowijuana recently received the prestigious ‘Best in Show’ award for new products at the Global Pet Expo in March and will be touring alongside Pet Talk with its first stop this week at the National Publicity Summit in New York City.

“It’s an awesome opportunity to promote the brand of Meowijuana here in North America with a great partner like Pet Talk and Harrison Forbes,” said Chris Glissman, the company’s founder and CEO. “I can’t think of a better way to showcase our U.S.-grown, premium line of catnip products than to take a trip across the country and share it with America,”