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Pet Industry Helps Those Impacted by Tornado

Michelle Maskaly//May 23, 2013//

Pet Industry Helps Those Impacted by Tornado

Michelle Maskaly //May 23, 2013//

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As search and rescue teams combed the area looking for displaced pets after a tornado wreaked havoc on an Oklahoma community, companies and other groups within the pet industry started strategizing about how they could help.

This girl was found wandering carrying her ThunderShirt in her mouth, which is what is in the crate with her. She has been reunited with her family. (photo courtesy of Central Oklahoma Humane Society’s Facebook page)

For the makers of ThunderShirt that meant sending nearly 100 ThunderShirts to shelters including the Central Oklahoma Humane Society, the City of Moore Animal Shelter and the City of Oklahoma City(Animal Welfare Division).

“We are deeply saddened by the significant loss of life, and displaced animals due to this tragedy in Oklahoma,” Phil Blizzard, founder of ThunderShirt, said. “We’ve found that Thundershirts can provide real relief as communities work to rebuild homes and routines for their pets.”

Wondercide LLC, a producer of organic pest control and natural products for pets, people, and property donated their EVOLV flea and tick control to help 300 pets impacted by the tornado.

The donation was made to the Animal Resource Center in Oklahoma City, Okla., which is serving as the only temporary shelter for lost and harmed animals affected by the twister.

Given the volume of animals arriving at the shelter, flea and tick control products, as well as other pet care products, are in high demand.

“When tragic events like Monday’s twister occur, the devastation is felt by everyone in the family, including our pets,” said Wondercide CEO Stephanie Boone. “We at Wondercide send our deepest condolences and appreciation for those assisting in in the rescuing and rehabilitating of Moore.”

The Planet Dog FoundationPlanet Dog‘s non-profit grant making organization, donated $1,000 to the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation to help support their search dog teams that have been deployed to assist in the recovery efforts.

Salsa, a dog with the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation, searches the devastation left behind by the tornado. (photo courtesy of Planet Dog)

“The National Disaster Search Dog Foundation search dog teams are playing a major role in locating survivors and we are thankful we are able to donate funds to help support their lifesaving efforts,”  Kristen Smith, the executive director of the Planet Dog Foundation, said. “We couldn’t do it without the support from our customers whose purchases help raise money for PDF and enable us to provide grants to support the amazing ways service dogs are helping people in need.”

Paw Pods have also been filling request from shelters and groups in the Oklahoma area.

“The devastating loss of so many beloved family pets because of this storm has truly saddened pet lovers across the country,” Ben Riggan, managing partner of Paw Pods, said. “We’ll do whatever we can to help provide comfort and closure to the families grieving their loss, and trying to recover from the affects of this storm in general.” is donating 10 percent of its total sales the week of the natural disaster to the  Pet Food Pantry of OKC.

“This disaster has had a devastating impact not only on the people who live there, but on their pets as well,” Jared Katz, vice president of sales for “We feel it is part of our responsibility to do whatever we can to help out using the resources at our disposal, and we encourage our partner organizations in the area to do the same.”

On Wednesday, Freekibble donated 100 percent of the Halo kibble raised to the homeless dogs and cats impacted by the Tornadoes.

Banfield Pet Hospital is offering free physical examinations for pets affected by the tornado. More than 14 Banfield Pet Hospitals throughout Oklahoma will be providing office visits at no cost for pets in need.

This offer is good through the end of the day on Tuesday, June 4. They are also collaborating with other Mars Incorporated companies on broader relief efforts as additional needs are identified within the affected communities.

Jones Natural Chews is sending boxes of their all natural dog chews to the OKC Humane Society.

In addition, Pet360, BlogPaws and World Vets have teamed up to raise $25,000 to help animals impacted by the tornado.

Using the Blogger Disaster Response Network, a group of bloggers and writers who are interested in helping spread important ways to help when a disaster strikes anywhere in the world, they are reaching out to various groups to help reach their goal.